The first half of the cement shipment arrives in the community hall.

Day one. Here, the elders of the village, including the big chief (far left) pour the first bit of cement into the start of the pathway. This was preceded by a grog ceremony to inaugurate the project.

The boys collect sand and rocks from the river.

action shot!

another action shot!

Big chief sits with his granddaughter on a bench outside his house, in front of a new stretch of path.

Big lunch in the community hall.

A completed section! They used some cement to fix the drainage along the pathway too.

Another completed section!

The village insisted on this stand to commemorate the donors. It is in the very middle of the village. The house behind it is the big chief's house. They said, but Lisa, we should get a nice engraved stone from Suva to place on the top. And I said, can we just carve the names in the wet cement? They said, but it must be nice. Then they pointed out the electrical wire they had draped above with attached lightbulb so that when the generator comes on at night, the names will remain lit up. Maybe a bit overkill, but pretty frickin cute -- just shows how incredibly happy they are with these paths!