Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I am busy! My goodness. Every day is a day full of something. In some ways I wish I were less busy, so I could relax a bit more and read more books. But I don’t want to stop the momentum, because my whole area is really excited to start working. So, I guess I will keep going.

I realized an upside to visiting so many areas within a given week. Each village or settlement is vying to give me the best lunch. They ask me what I had at each place earlier in the week, and, to remain diplomatic, I tell them that their village, of course, has the best food. I think part of them thinks that if they serve me the best lunch, they will keep me coming back, and I will in turn help their community the most. In reality, I will, with or without lunch, invest in all of them equally. But I won’t tell them that. It’s kind of like learning you should never interrupt someone while they are complimenting you. Why stop such a good thing!

Watched Gilmore Girls last night for the first time in a very long time. I realized that trying to understand rapid Fijian is excellent practice for understanding the entirety of the dialogue in any given episode. Before I would only pick up about 50% of what was said. Now, almost everything! Well, at least about 80%.

Parents come in 4 days! They will sleep here in my bure on Monday night. Then we’ll venture off to visit the rest of the country. I am extremely excited for their visit. I will be sure to take lots of pictures and post them here.


  1. Dear Lisa, What an incredible diary you have shared. I am sorry to say that I only just opened the blog and read about your adventures, but it is very powerful, and you are such an excellent story teller! The pictures you paint of the community, your family, your kitten, your life, are so moving. I am particularly struck by your sensitivity to the culture and openess to their way of living. I love your comments about starting a revolution. The description of the monotone aspect of the culture and the island is very interesting, and I am sure that you will begin to add your spark of creativity and possibilies to their lives.
    What an amazing experience you are having, and an incredibly brave and adventurous decision to embark on this adventure. It is surely life changing!!! I am so excited that Kate will be joining you soon for a taste of your new life. I want to come too! Maybe someday Lizz and I will be able to. I encourage you to write in your blog as often as you can, not only for us to share with you, but because it is such a beautifully written cronicle of your adventures. it could be a book someday. Seriously! Keep it going. Lots of love from New Hampshire! I miss you, Heston

  2. Thanks Heston. Very nice to hear from you, and I really think you and Lizz should come -- you two would find this place fascinating! Miss you too.
